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Bayside Futsal Women


Looking for a non Club activity ?

Bayside Futsal Women is the 100% Free program for females of all ages and football abilities.

  • Too busy to commit to a team or a long term program?

  • Your budget is prioritised elsewhere and you can't afford the fees?

  • You have never played before or simply not interested in a competitive environment ?

  • Think football clubs are a "boys club" and not for you ?

  • Looking for some fun football activities in addition to your club commitments?


Then you should definitely head along to Bayside Futsal Women !!


Ongoing studies have illustrated that participation in sport can provide physical, mental
and social health benefits.
However, participation data across several countries (including
Australia, New Zealand and the UK) suggests that involvement in traditional structured and
club-based sport is either stagnant or declining especially for Women and Girls.

On the other hand, participation in informal sport is rising, with some studies suggesting
informal opportunities are particularly appealing for diverse young people who are underrepresented
in mainstream sport such as Women and Girls.



Bayside Futsal Women has taken into account all of these potential barriers and removed them.

Head over to the dedicated website to find out more and sign up .

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